They say things, you say it as they say it to open the door to discussion, and instead of taking part in said discussion, they label you without hearing what you have to say. Make it make sense.
Y’hello, Beasties. I probably lost a few subscribers just by the title of this take alone, which would not surprise me. You see, I recently uploaded what is the latest video on the YouTube channel at the time I am typing this, and the title of that video was, “The Cult of WOKE Culture and Fat Acceptance.” It was a long time coming as I spent about six months working on that video. When it came out, of course, YouTube had already done what YouTube does best with the channel: it killed the video on arrival, as soon at it was uploaded. Before it aired, the channel lost some subscribers, and more after it aired. Those who watched the video had positive feedback and were appreciative of the depth that the video went into while maintaining care and respect. One person in particular, took everything a different way, and accused me of pushing alt-right ideologies. Yes, this take’s title comes from their comments under the video. They did not say it word for word as such, but their comments sounded that way.
Before I go further, please, do not harass this person in any way as I do not and never will condone that behavior. Their reaction was just interesting enough to be turned into a content that I am now presenting to you.
This person - let’s call them Mumu - has not watched the video. They said it themselves in their comments - yes plural as there were more than one - but somehow they decided it was a good idea to comment on something they had not watched and it was going to go well. It did not, at least not for them. I mean, how can you judge a book that you have not read? The same is true for a video that you have not watched. All they had was the title, and to them it was enough to label me an alt-righter because the title triggered something for them. I wish I were kidding, but I am not.
From Mumu: “I am concerned that the reactionary language being used here is once again being used to bolster the far/alt right resurgence we are once again seeing online again now.” Said the one who has not watched the video. “I have not watched the video yet, however when I see the rhetoric used in the titles alone, it reminds me of that anti-SJW content in 2017 that pushed me down a alt-right pipeline of sorts...i didn't actually turn alt right(now I am a very firm anti-authoritarian leftist) but there are still so many people who actually continued down that pipeline to become far/alt right and are stuck now.”
Mumu wrote quite a bit under that video, and though I understand where they’re coming from, my answer to them was that judging a video without having watched it but merely because it triggered them said more about them. But Mumu was not done. They accused me of not reading their comments before responding, as well as being defensive and dismissive. Read that again. Mumu has not watched my video. Yet, they accused me of pushing alt-right ideologies through the videos (that one and others on the channel that they did not watch either), got defensive after my response to their comment, and then in their final comment claimed to be glad that I did not dismiss them as being just another SJW. Do you see the problem here? Even though in their original comment they did mention not accusing me of being far/alt-right, they still suggested that I am pushing far/alt-right ideologies, all this without having watched any of my videos. Make it make sense.
Someone jumped into the conversation and told Mumu to “just watch the video and realize how pessimistic [Mumu is]”.
All Mumu had was the title of a video to make up their mind on what the video was about, and what the agenda of the creator of that video was. Wow. The level of hypocrisy that Mumu demonstrated is what is wrong with the world we now live in, a world where everything is politicized. When that happens, no one can speak or act in a way that does not offend someone else. Ladies and gentlemen, we now live in a world where people would be offended if you sneeze. Anything is offensive now. Any word is offensive. In such a world, no one can be themselves anymore because they would not feel free to express themselves the way they would naturally without offending anyone. And that is not right.
I am used to be dismissed without even being heard. YouTube has been doing that to me with the channel too. This same video that we are talking about for instance, was flagged many times and then demonetized, all of this as soon as it was uploaded. That happened a few times. It was then cleared after a manual review by YouTube. The channel itself is shadow-banned. I never thought that was even a possibility, but now I am convinced it is the case. It sometimes does not come up in search results, and most of the time it does not appear in the search results even for the popular topics discussed that many others discuss as well. So, most people don’t see the channel. Among the small number of those who manage to find the channel and the videos are those who dismiss the videos just like Mumu did. I will not change anything from the title of the video. Not because of pride. As a matter of fact, I have learned to separate my ego from everything I do, so I take nothing personal anymore. Mumu accuses my titles to be reactionary, but here is the thing: most of those titles are what the individuals covered in the videos have said, and sometimes word from word. Welcome to the internet where every creator is fighting for attention, and some would do the unthinkable to get that attention. I am not one of them. But it is hypocritical to dismiss a creator without watching their videos, yet accuse them of doing something they are not, get defensive while accusing them of being defensive when all they were doing was to point out the flaws in your comment to them, and then tell them how glad you were for them not to have ”written [you] off just as an SJW wokescold” - their words. It is hypocritical to accuse someone of doing the exact same things that you are doing while accusing them. And that hypocrisy was discussed in the video, as well as some of the points that he incorrectly made. How ironic!
As I said in the video in question, nowadays most people listen not to understand but to respond. Mumu saw a title. Instead of watching the video to understand what it was about, they jumped straight in the comments to respond. I don’t dismiss anyone based on their opinions or political orientation, and definitely not before listening to them. As a matter of fact, I am the one that is usually dismissed before being heard, and Mumu demonstrated just that.
If you have not watched the video in question and would like to, then you can catch it here. There is an audio-only version in the podcast, and that one can be found here.
Don’t be Mumu.
Until next time, hug your loved one, train mean